"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of
God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join this Jewish
Nation and this Black Nation in holy matrimony, which is an
honorable estate, instituted by God, and signifying unto us the
mystical union which exists between Christ and His church.
If anyone, therefore, can show just cause why they may not be
lawfully, joined together, let them now speak, Or forever hold their
"Aaaaa, aaa!"
"Aaaaa, I object, Pastor."
"Objection noted, and upon what grounds?"
"Well, sir, aaaah, you see, aaaah, we the aaaah media, have had a field day with this
aaaah, here, issue."
"And how so?"
"Well, aaaah, as you know, the American character, aaaah reading public, seems to enjoy
headlines containing the words racism and aaaah, anti semitism, Sir!"
"Objection noted. But your field day is over. We shall proceed."..MORE |